For the past month, I’ve been slotting things to do into two categories–before my book signing Saturday afternoon and after. I will greet people from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Durand State Bank Community Room, 1005 Cameron Drive at the south edge of the village. I’ll read an excerpt and then invite everyone to enjoy punch, cookies and conversation while I sign books that have been previously purchased and have some for sale, $22 cash or personal check.
Having Adelaide Books, an independent New York firm, publish my memoir is one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me. Two of my writer friends were happy with the company’s work so it topped my list of publishers to send a proposal. When the editor asked to see my complete manuscript, I was elated. This was followed by the offer of a contract, which was a dream come true. When I received the cover and edited copy to approve, I thought they were beautiful. Earlier this year, my book became available in Kindle and paperback from Amazon. One morning in May, I was surprised when the blue cover of “The View from a Midwest Ferris Wheel” was looking back at me from my computer while I was going through the AOL — News, Politics, Sports, Mail & Latest Headlines. Amazon provided the ad for at least five days. My granddaughter, Katelyn, saw my book listed on the Good Reads app on her phone. COVID has caused a few glitches but, all in all, I have been pleased. I’ve reconnected with friends I haven’t heard from in years and met new people who have read my memoir.
Sometimes the anticipation outshines the actual occasion. What has been your experience in anticipating an event and its happening?