As fall looms, we see organizations that have been on hiatus during the summer resume meetings. Most of us belong to at least one club or group. The duties of various officers are usually spelled out but not those of members.
We may have gone beyond the era of women’s clubs, but many of their ideas are still valid. I have adapted the following from the General Federation of Women’s Clubs list of the responsibilities of a member:
Attend meetings regularly. A list of the organizations you belong to may be impressive on a resume, but only of you’re an active member.
Be on time and prepared for each meeting. A lack of preparation is one of the main reasons for an unproductive meeting.
Think for yourself. Make an effort to be a thinker instead of a perennial “yes” member.
Communicate. Stand up and make your voice heard. The voice of one individual may save the group from making an unwise decision. Blend gentleness with firmness when taking a stand.
Promote a spirit of teamwork. Don’t let your organization be crippled by a membership that splinters into uncooperative or hostile cliques.
Expect frustration and difficulty when dealing with people.
Be a peacemaker–when misunderstandings, disputes and clashes arise, help to clear the air by trying to reach a peaceful accord.
Encourage others. Don’t be a ‘wet blanket’, a person that dampens enthusiasm.
Be willing to fulfill responsibilities as well as exercise rights.
Give credit where credit is due. Don’t be a “credit grabber”–one who is always first in line when it comes to taking a bow, but nowhere to be seen in the midst of working. Don’t hesitate to praise a fellow member for a job well done.
Have a sense of humor. Don’t take yourself too seriously or others not seriously enough.
Do you have anything to add or subtract from this list?