Happy New Year! 2020 brings opportunities, which we all have free will to accept or ignore.
Earlier this winter, I drove to suburban Glenview to attend a morning meeting of the Midwest Writers Association. I’d never heard of the group but through Facebook, the Chicago Writers Association members were invited to attend their program about blogs. Last spring, I’d started lolita-s-bigtoe.com with the idea of improving as I went along. The presentation was worth spending two hours on toll roads.
By taking advantage of opportunities, I’ve slipped into writing through the side door of learn by doing. When Kurt joined Linda and Lisa attending school, I checked the Rockford Morning Star help wanted section for an office job like I’d had before I was married. The area daily’s ad seeking community correspondents to report news from surrounding small towns intrigued me. When I contacted an editor, I learned all I needed to be a part-time stringer was a typewriter and a 35mm camera–no training, no experience. My parents had given me a Royal portable when I was a sophomore in high school learning to type. The camera had been our first Christmas gift to each other.
Using the newspaper as a guide for submitting articles, I wrote features about local people doing interesting things, chased firetrucks and attended civic meetings. I enjoyed sticking my nose in where it wasn’t alway wanted and seeing my byline. I’d found my calling. To do a better job, I joined writers’ organizations and attended workshops. Presenters told how to freelance for magazines. I took notes although I was satisfied with the newspaper work I was doing. After thirteen years, the Star dropped all part-timers. I was devastated. After I dried my tears, I could see two options–quit writing or find other markets. I sent query letters to national publications for women, farmers and police officers. Some of them accepted my articles. Setbacks can become opportunities.
What opportunities have you taken advantage of?