A year ago, I began lolita-s-bigtoe.com. after thinking about it for at least that long. My blog is aimed at older women because I am one and it’s the largest growing demographic in the world. I selected the name, Lolita’s Big Toe, because we are continually testing the stream of change like swimmers before they dive into a pond. When we walk, our big toes move us forward and provide balance. I hope my words do the same.
I like doing new things after giving them the proper consideration and learning as much as I can. Last November, I attended a very helpful Midwest Writers Association workshop in Glenview, a Chicago suburb. I have instructions printed from the internet and a how-to book of blog directions laying on my desk for quick reference. Still, I can have problems using the computer. I’m fortunate to have my own personal “techie,” our son, Kurt.
I’ve had fun broaching whatever subject crossed my mind. I figure if I’m curious about something, it probably interests others.
Ever since I learned to talk, my favorite word has been why. As a journalist, I learned to do research. In the beginning, it meant a trip to the Rockford Public Library or at least a phone call. The internet makes it a lot easier and quicker to find the facts I need.
Posting on Wednesdays has worked well for me. Recently, I missed three weeks while I was recovering from an upset stomach. I have pieces written ahead and I think there’s a way to have them on the website with a date designated for publishing, but I haven’t tried it. My writing continues to be learn by doing.
What new things have you tried during the past year?