I just returned from my usual walk in Salelens Park, one of Durand’s prime assets. The isolated path runs beside a stream and takes me down memory lane to the farm where I grew up. At 4:30 every afternoon, I saddled Millie and rode my pony across the creek and through the pasture to round up our twenty-four cows for evening milking.
In the spring, the yellow dandelions and purple violets glowing in the multi-shades of green alongside the blacktop are the same as the flowers I picked to place in the construction paper, May baskets I made in country school.
Later in the year, brown cattails emerge from the swampy area to remind me of a long-ago Sunday drive. Mom, sitting in the passenger seat, spotted her favorite plants along the roadside and exclaimed, “Oh, look, cattails!” Dad immediately pulled our black, ’36 Chevy sedan off the asphalt, parked and stepped into the quagmire to pick a handful of the brown plants. He returned to the car, opened the right hand door and handed Mom the fall bouquet. He then dug in the glove compartment to find an old towel to wipe his mud-smeared, gray, dress shoes. When it came to expressing affection, my folks believed the adage, actions speak louder than words.
In the winter when snow sparkles in the sunlight, the village street department employees keep the trail clear. I don my purple fedora, heavy coat and warm boots to face the cold weather unless the daytime temperature stays below 20 degrees. I believe the two-mile hike from our front door down the cement sidewalks, along the park’s paved path that circles a small pond and back home keeps me healthy physically and mentally.
Do you have a favorite place to walk?